Boulevard 98
ClaimedReal Estate and Property

Phone(828) 415-5340

Address 9825 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC, United States 28213

Business Details

Phone Number(828) 415-5340

Address 9825 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC, United States 28213

Find the Perfect Student Housing in Charlotte NC For Students

Consider student housing in Charlotte, NC that is off the main campus. You’ll still be a part of the student community as you live in housing that is geared for college living. The difference is giving you room to grow. It will make you feel like an adult who is getting a taste of independent life. You can cook your own food, take care of your living space, and learn what it’s like to live with others. Student housing in Charlotte, NC will give you a bedroom that is yours alone. Visit Boulevard 98 at to know more.

Boulevard 98
ClaimedReal Estate and Property

Phone(828) 415-5340

Address 9825 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC, United States 28213

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